
Amnesia the dark descent servant grunt
Amnesia the dark descent servant grunt

amnesia the dark descent servant grunt

Upon picking up this substance, Daniel will receive a sanity boost. Grab the Tinderbox on top of this shelf, and then grab the Orpiment below. Straight back you will find a shelf with the last chemical needed for a corrosive acid. Turn around and head down the other side to this room. The shelf furthest back also has a Tinderbox on the bottom rack. On the opposite side of this wall are another few shelves. In front of this wall is a shelf the bottom rack of this shelf has a Tinderbox. Upon entering look for a small dividing wall in the back left. This room has several shelves full of wine bottles. Turning around from this shelf, you will find another wooden shelf facing the nearby room. On top of this shelf is another Tinderbox. On the same wall as the door you entered, there will be an empty shelf around the corner. Head to the corner where the Grunt was standing. This Grunt is NOT a threat simply move towards it without looking straight at it, and it will walk away. Warning: As soon as you pick up this Laudanum, a Grunt will spawn near the door you entered earlier. After exiting this room, Daniel will receive a sanity boost. The game will give you instructions on how to move it I recommend moving the boulders first and then dealing with the tall wooden beams. After he wakes up, you'll notice the door has been blocked by collapsed debris. Picking up the Calamine will cause a tremor, and one of the barrels in the rafters will fall on Daniel. To the right of the previous shelf is also an Oil Barrel be sure to grab the extra oil! Now, in the back corner of this room, near a flipped table, is a bottle of Calamine. Further left of this shelf is a table with another Tinderbox sitting on it. On a shelf straight ahead from this door, you will find a Tinderbox on the bottom rack. Leave this room and enter the door to your left. Beware that after picking up the Cuprite, a Brute will be heard and the door behind you will closed (if it wasn't), and Daniel will lose some sanity. On a table in this room, you will find a bottle of Cuprite, which will be used as a reactant in a chemical mixture. Go into the room directly at the bottom of the stairs. Once at the bottom of the stairs, Daniel will receive a flashback of some drunk workers drinking wine in the cellar area. Welcome to the Wine Cellar! As a quick warning, when you first walk down the stairs, you will hear a distant scream/growl of sorts and lose a bit of sanity. Warning: You will likely lose a lot of sanity in this area.

Amnesia the dark descent servant grunt